Embassy Recommendation

Embassy Recommendation is one of the way to obtain the MEXT scholarship. Since application periods differ by country, those wishing to receive an Embassy recommendation should confirm with the Japanese embassy in their home country.

Applicants who have successfully passed the first screening of the Japanese embassy in their home country must obtain a "Letter of Acceptance" from SOKENDAI. After passing the first screening of the Japanese embassy, applicants should contact SOKENDAI faculty member as soon as possible to ask for a "letter of Acceptance". For more details, please refer to the procedures below.

  1. Applicants contact a SOKENDAI faculty member as soon as possible to ask for a "Letter of Acceptance". For the list of SOKENDAI faculty member, please visit the website of the parent research institute . If applicants cannot find the contact address of SOKENDAI faculty member or if applicants have difficulties in finding faculty member whose research field matches your interest, please contact us at gakusei(at)ml.soken.ac.jp
  2. After obtaining the approval of SOKENDAI faculty member, please submit all application documents required for screening at SOKENDAI. In principle, the screening will be based on the submitted documents. (An online interview may be requested if needed.) *Basically, students selected for the MEXT scholarship are accepted at SOKENDAI as research students (non-degree-seeking students). In order to proceed to a degree-seeking (doctoral) course, students must pass the entrance examination while studying in a non-degree-seeking course.
  3. If applicants successfully pass the screening, SOKENDAI will issue a "letter of acceptance". this "Letter of Acceptance" confirms that the SOKENDAI faculty member will act as the applicant's academic supervisor should the applicants be accepted for the MEXT scholarship. Please submit the letter of acceptance to the Japanese embassy in your home country and proceed to the final screening.


Student Affairs Section

  • E-mail: gakusei(at)ml.soken.ac.jp