October 01, 2018

Outreach Lecture 2018 "Challenging the unknown:cutting-edge researches spoken by young researchers"

This is to inform you regarding Outreach Lecture 2018 "Challenging the unknown:cutting-edge researches spoken by young researchers" to be offered. We would be pleased of the active participation of you.


  1. Lecture title: Outreach Lecture 2018 ""Challenging the unknown:cutting-edge researches spoken by young researchers"
  2. Credits are not provided since this lecture is not a class subject.
  3. Language: Japanese
  4. Eligible students: for all grades of master's and doctoral courses in SOKENDAI
  5. Date: January 27 ,28, 29, 2019
  6. Venue: Iida High School
    (450 Kamisatokuroda, , Iida-shi, Nagano 395-0004)
  7. Lecturers:
    Masatoshi Ohishi Associate Professor,Department of Astronomical Science
    Akatsuki Kimura Professor,Department of Genetics
    Toshihiko Fujimori Professor,Department of Basic Biology
    Minoru Sakamoto Professor,Department of Japanese History

How to Apply

Please send the documents below to Public Relations Section (kouhou1@ml.soken.ac.jp) via E-mail .

  • Application form for the lecture
  • Travel expense request form regarding attending regular curriculum programs
  • Application form for reimbursement(Local Remittance Registration application)

※ For those who have not registered account information.

E-mail Address: kouhou1@ml.soken.ac.jp

Application period: October 26, 2018

※Your supervisor's signature or seal is required in the Application form. Please ask your supervisor for approval to attend this lecture. When you send your application form to Public Relations Section, please cc. to your supervisor.

※We will send you a confirmation e-mail upon receipt of your application form by return. If you do not receive our confirmation e-mail after a week, please mail to kouhou1@ml.soken.ac.jp

Application Files

  1. Application Form
  2. Travel Expence Request
  3. Local Remittance Registration Application

Financial Support

-For SOKENDAI students, travel expenses and accommodation charges are supported by SOKENDAI under the university regulations. Your expenses will be reimbursed later.

-Meal costs etc. will not be paid.

- This lecture will be held at Iida city in Nagano for three days and two nights. If you stay at the hotel reserved by SOKENDAI (Sangitei), please mark "I will stay at the accommodation facility reserved by SOKENDAI" in the application form. In case you prefer not to, please mark "I will book accommodation by myself." In the latter case, you need to book accommodation by yourself.

When you check out the hotel, please be sure to receive the receipt whose only the accommodation fee is written, and mail it to Public Relations Section within a week after the lecture ended. If the accommodation fee included other fees such as meals, you will be requested to submit the full statement that shows each price of the item..


◎Info regarding the lecture

Masatoshi Ohishi Associate Professor,Department of Astronomical Science

Tel: 0422-34-3575   E-mail: masatoshi.ohishi@nao.ac.jp

◎Info / Where to apply

SOKENDAI, General Planning Division, Public Relations Section

Tel: 046-858-1590  E-mail: kouhou1@ml.soken.ac.jp

To: SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies),

General Planning Division, Public Relations Section

Postal Address: Shonan Village, Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0193 Japan


After you completed this lecture, you will receive the certificate of participation from Iida city, and you can write on your resume as community contribution achievement.

The personal information in the application form will be used only for the purpose of facilitating this lecture, and will be handled according to the privacy policy of SOKENDAI.