June 05, 2019

【Call for participants】Introduction to Symmetry and Space group

Date:Jul. 22(Mon) - 26(Fri), 2019

Venue: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan Kaigishitsu #1 in the Kenkyu Honkan Buld.


For details, please see the following application guidelines.

Applicaiton Guideline.pdf


Training course on symmetry and group theory is lectured by Prof.Massimo Nespolo has reached its 8th edition. This year we offer for the first time an English version of the training course, for the benefit of foreign students and scientists working in Japan.

This course aims at providing a solid background in symmetry and group theory to students and scientists working on crystalline materials.


Prof.Massimo Nespolo

Université de Lorraine, France

ex-chairman of MaThCryst

Sokendai Lecturer


School of Physical Sciences

Masahiro Ehara, Professor, Department of Structural Molecular Science

Masatoshi Ohishi, Associate Professor, Department of Astronomical Science

Shinsaku Imagawa, Professor, Department of Fusion Science

School of High Energy Accelerator Science

Takashi Kamiyama, Professor, Department of Materials Structure Science

Noriyuki Igarashi, Professor, Department of Materials Structure Science

Eligible students

For all grades of master's and doctoral courses in SOKENDAI and other universities. The students in other universities can participate only for those who approved by SOKENDAI.

* Please note that;

In the case of a small number of applicants (5 people or less), we may cancel the course. In the case of a large number of applicants (20 people or more), we may close the registration before the deadline.





How to apply

Please access the following Web-site and apply accordingly.


Deadline for registration : 3 p.m., July. 12, 2019 <-Extended

The English course has been fixed to be held having more than 6 applicants (Jun. 12).

Travel Expense for SOKENDAI regular students

  1. SOKENDAI Regular students (except those currently on leave of absence).
    Travel expense payment amount: Limited to a maximum of 50,000 yen per course .
  2. Meal expenses during the course term are excluded from travel expense support and are the responsibility of the individual student.
  3. When the distance from the location affiliated with the department to the course location exceeds 100 km one-way via JR train, the amount to be paid will be calculated based on the regular train fare with the student discount applied. Please submit the request for a certificate of qualification for a student discount to the Administration Office at each research institution for your department in advance.
  4. Accommodation facilities are not prepared by SOKENDAI. If you need to reserve a hotel during July 22nd (Mon.) - 25th (Thur.), please arrange the accommodation by yourself.
  5. When using the accommodation of institution, a fixed amount of 4, 350 yen per night will be paid, when using other accommodation(i.e.Hotel or Lodge)a fixed amount of 8,700 yen will be paid.

○Vacancies of Dormitory: https://www2.kek.jp/uskek/eng/visiting/dormitory.html

*Since there is limited room available, so it may not be possible to meet your request.

○Hotel & Inn in Center of Tsukuba: https://www2.kek.jp/rso/eng/Map/hotel.html

Important Details Concerning Travel Expenses

Breakfast and other meals accompanying lodging are on the responsibility of the individual student. Please send an original receipt showing the lodging expenses only to the Academic Affairs Section in the Academic and Student Affairs Dept. within one week of course completion by post.
When the receipt includes other than lodging expenses, full statement is required to clarify the detail.

  • Meantime, if you need to leave your home before 7:00am or if you come home after 10:00pm, your accommodation fee will be paid for the staying on July 21st (Sun.) or 26th (Fri.) following the SOKENDAI regulation.
  • Following the SOKENDAI regulations, your transportation expenses (between your department to the Tsukuba (KEK)) will be reimbursed and transferred to your bank account after your attendance.

Credit Registration for other universities' students 

Regardless of whether there is a "Credit Transfer System" or not, other universities' students may register this lecture. If you wish to get "credit", please make contact with the educational affairs division of your institution and ask them to arrange the "Credit Registration at Other Universities" procedures. Also, please inform us it when you submit the application form by June 19th (Wed.).


◎Info regarding the lecture:

Takashi Kamiyama, Professor, Department of Materials Structure Science


◎About student travel expense

Academic Affairs Section,Academic and Student Affairs Section

Tel:046-858-1647 / E-mail:gshien(at)mi.soken.ac.jp

Shonan Village, Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0193 Japan SOKENDAI

*please replace (at) with @

Related Links
Introduction to Symmetry and Space group