April 12, 2018

[Call] SOKENDAI Publication grant for research papers funded by the publication support program

1. Objectives

These guidelines specify application requirements for a publication grant for research papers funded by SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies).

The grant is designed to stimulate research and broad dissemination of the results throughout society by encouraging all students and graduates of SOKENDAI to submit and publish their doctoral dissertation including papers in academic and scholarly journals issued in Japan and overseas.

2. Eligibility

(1) Student of SOKENDAI (student applicants must be regular students; students on leaves of absence at the time of application are not eligible).

As for Awardees of the JSPS fellowship for young researchers (DC), for only the following cases are eligible;

*In case of the payment to the publisher directly by SOKENDAI or Author’s affiliation

*In case of advance payment by the co-author of SOKENDAI


Advance payment by Awardees of the JSPS fellowship for young researchers are excluded from this grant, which is incompatible with the JSPS rules and regulations regarding the grant acceptance.

(2) Faculty members of SOKENDAI, who are included as co-authors of the research papers which were submitted for publication by the students of “SOKENDAI.”

3. Application period & condition

Applications will be accepted from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.

The condition described in the guidelines (*4) and the documents which are needed for the payment (refer the guidelines (*8)) are required during the above period without fail.

(* Regardless of the above period, the application may be closed when the subsidy amount reaches the limitation on the budget).

4. Qualification of the papers

(1) Papers written by sole or joint authors of SOKENDAI student who are eligible as specified in Section 2 in these guidelines, and that are submitted to highly-regarded academic and scholarly journals in Japan or overseas during the period of the grant specified in Section 3, and that have been just published, accepted for publication or in press.

(2) Papers accepted for publication or in press, and that contain an acknowledgment, which indicates that the research has been financially supported by SOKENDAI, as described in these guidelines (*1).

If the papers are on the stage of printing/editing, so that it is impossible to indicate “acknowledgement” at that time, it will be granted with the following condition (3).

(3) Eligible applicants who are described in these guidelines (*2) should indicate their affiliations as one of the schools and departments of SOKENDAI whether they are first author or not.

(4) Regardless of the above (1)~(3) conditions, a master’s thesis / thesis for PhD degree purpose is not eligible.

(*1) Examples of acknowledgements

This work was supported in part by SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies).

(*2) Example of authors’ affiliation

1Department of Genetics, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Mishima, 411-8540 Japan.

2Division of Population Genetics, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, 411-8540 Japan.

※All authors who are SOKENDAI students or faculty members MUST show their affiliation in SOKENDAI with accurate description.

Papers that do not contain the official name “SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)” are not accepted.

5. Total of the grant and exceptions

(1) The total of the grant is up to a maximum of \200,000 per application, which is to cover expenses incurred by the submission and publication in whole or part. Only one application per paper is permissible.

(2) If a grant application is made for publishing expenses exceeding \200,000, the expenses must be adjusted so that the total on the application does not exceed \200,000.

(3) In case of advance payment with a credit card or money transfer through a financial institution, the application will be accepted with the total amount up to maximum of \200,000 in advance payment.

(4) A grant will not be awarded for a paper which has already received a similar grant from SOKENDAI or another institution.

6. Special Provisions for graduates

Graduates of doctor’s degree whose research paper was submitted to a scholarly/academic journal while in SOKENDAI, or within one year of their graduation, and has been accepted or published after graduation are eligible to apply.

In this case, the above Section 2 of these guidelines apply, with “students” replaced by “graduates” in its clause. The research paper should contain the acknowledgment that it is based on research outcomes while at SOKENDAI, and the affiliation of a graduate author should be designated as one of the school and department of SOKENDAI to which he/she belonged.

7. Others

Special condition / terms etc. which are not described in the above guidelines will be negotiable as necessary.

8. Application procedure

(1) Application documents

1. Grant application for publication expenses for academic and scholarly journals

(Application Form specified by SOKENDAI)

2. Guidelines of submission and publication of the journals (or equivalent documents)

3. Documents or descriptions that present the level of the journals

4. Receipts of submission, publication, and print expenses for the paper during the grant application specified in Section 3. Payment through SOKENDAI requires the applicant’s invoice (a request for transfer), estimate, and completion report (* In this case, these documents shall be submitted to SOKENDAI at least one month before a due date).

5. A separate print of the issue of the academic or scholarly journal in which the paper appears. (A copy is acceptable. If the journal has not yet printed at the time of grant application, the issue must be submitted promptly when printed).

(2) Office for submission of applications

Academic Affairs Section, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)

Tel: 046-858-1531/1647

Fax: 046-858-1632

E-mail: gshien(at)ml.soken.ac.jp

※Please change (at) to @ for use.