April 20, 2023

SOKENDAI Special Researcher (Field-Specific Type)Format

(1)Research Progress Report

Form1_Research Progress Report_v3.docx

*Please submit this document to SOKENDAI Special Researcher Program(Field-Specific Type)Office (fellowship(at)ml.soken.ac.jp) by January 31 (July 31 for those appointed in October) of each year.

(2)Evaluation by Chief Supervisor

Evaluation by Chief Supervisor.docx

(3)Research Report

Form2_Research Report.docx

*Please submit this document to SOKENDAI Special Researcher Program(Field-Specific Type)Office at the end of the appointment period.

(4)Letter of Resignation

Form3_Letter of Resignation

*Please submit this document to SOKENDAI Special Researcher Program(Field-Specific Type)Office in the event that you wish to resign during the appointment period.

(5)Guide on Compliance and Procedures (2023)

Guide on Compliance and Procedures (SOKENDAI Special Researcher_Field-Specific Type) v2023

*The latest version is applied regardless of the year of appointment beginning.

(6)Guidelines for the Use of Research Funds

Guidelines for the Use of Research Funds (SOKENDAI Special Researcher Program) V2023.4

*The latest version is applied regardless of the year of appointment beginning.