August 27, 2021

Special Measures to Grant a Leave of Absence and to Change the Tuition Payment Procedures for the Students Currently Forced to Stay Outside Japan by the COVID-19 Pandemic (For 1st Semester and 2nd Semester of AY2021) (Notice)

SOKENDAI will implement special measures on a leave of absence and related tuition payment procedures to the students who are currently unable to come or return to Japan because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Please check the attached sheet for the details of the special measures.

If a student is in the situation either of (1) or (2) in the attachment and wishes to apply for a grant of a leave of absence under the special measures, please submit the necessary form(s) stipulated below by the prescribed due dates found in the attachment :

Form(s) to be submitted:

  • Students who will be enrolled in school as of October 1, 2021: ―Request for Tuition Payment Postponement
  • Students who will apply for a leave of absence for 1st Semester and/or 2nd Semester of AY2021: ―Application Form for a Leave of Absence (COVID-19)

Where to submit the form(s):

Department Office in the Parent Institute