Anthropological Studies

National Institutes for the Humanities
National Museum of Ethnology


This program is offered by the National Museum of Ethnology. Students will conduct research on the diverse cultures of mankind in various parts of the world from prehistoric times to the present. From the perspective of cultural anthropology, ethnology, and related fields, students will be instructed in ethnographic research that describes and analyzes a specific culture, and cross-cultural research that compares cultures from a specific perspective. Students will complete their dissertation by utilizing data obtained through field research as well as specimens, audio-visual materials, and literature of the National Museum of Ethnology.

Picking tea leaf at a tea garden that was originally a slush-burn field (Shizuoka City, 2021 / photo by Kaori Kawakami)

Students having a lively discussion

Shearing and Branding 2-year-old camels. (Alxa League, Inner Mongolia, China, 2021 / photo by Wu Wuyunga)


Doctoral Program : Three-year doctoral program
Degree : Doctor of philosophy
Career paths of graduates :
Researchers at universities and research institutes,museums and other institutions of higher education in cultural anthropology.

Past graduates of the program have been employed by : Osaka University, Ritsumeikan University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies,etc.

Research Institutes

National Museum of Ethnology
Address : 10-1 Senri Expo Park , Suita City, Osaka 565-8511, Japan

Information before March 2023

School / Department: School of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Regional Studies
School of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Comparative Studies
Date of Establishment: April 1989
Doctoral Program: Three-year doctoral program
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy