Molecular Science

National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Institute for Molecular Science


This program, offered by the Institute for Molecular Science (Okazaki City), fosters a future generation of researchers who will establish a systematic understanding of molecules—which are the basic constituent units of matter—and elucidate the diverse phenomena that matter presents. We aim to produce graduates who can conduct advanced research (experiments, measurements, theories, etc.), rationally understand the results of their research, challenge unexplored problems with creative ideas, create new intellectual values and universal truths, and contribute to the development of humanity based on molecular science.

Measurement of the electronic state by photoelectron spectroscopy

UVSOR Synchrotron Facility

Purification of proteins by high-performance liquid chromatography

Doctoral Program: Five-year doctoral program / Three-year doctoral program
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
Career Opportunities for Graduates: Researchers and faculty members in the field of molecular science at universities and national and public research institutes; Researchers and engineers who pursue advanced research challenges through public research projects and in private research institutes.

Research Institutes

Institute for Molecular Science
Address : 38 Nishigonaka, Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi, 444-8585 Japan

Information before March 2023

School / Department: School of Physical Sciences, Department of Structural Molecular Science
School of Physical Sciences, Department of Functional Molecular Science
Date of Establishment: October 1988
Doctoral Program: Five-year doctoral program / Three-year doctoral program
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy