Basic Biology

National Institutes of Natural Sciences
National Institute for Basic Biology


At the National Institutes for Basic Biology, the parent institute for the Basic Biology Program, we conduct research aimed at elucidating the common and fundamental mechanisms that underlie all living organisms, that contribute to biological diversity, and that enable organisms to adapt to their environment. The Basic Biology Program seeks to cultivate researchers capable of identifying fundamental and pressing question in the biological science through research activities and coursework.
This program offers both a five-year and a three-year doctoral program for students with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, respectively. Students primarily conduct their academic studies and research activities at the National Institute for Basic Biology, located in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture.

A variety of model organisms and novel model organisms under study

At the Laboratory

At the Laboratory

Graduation ceremony at the National Institute for Basic Biology

National Institute for Basic Biology, Myodaiji area

National Institute for Basic Biology, Yamate area

Doctoral Program: Five-year doctoral program / Three-year doctoral program
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
Career paths of graduates: Faculty members and researchers in life science and related fields at universities and research institutes; skilled professionals in charge of research and development at companies that engage life sciences, chemical sciences, pharmaceuticals, medical sciences, and other related fields

Research Institutes

National Institute for Basic Biology
Address : 38 Nishigonaka, Myodaiji, Okazaki, 444-8585 Japan

Information before March 2023

School / Department: School of Physical Sciences, Department of Astronautical Science
Date of Establishment: April 2003
Doctoral Program: Five-year doctoral program / Three-year doctoral program
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy