Administrative Procedure for Students

Application Forms

Name of Document Occasion Form
Application Form for Leave of Absence  Leave of Absence
Application Form to Return from Leave of Absence  Return to school before the end of the approved absence period
Notification to Return from Leave of Absence  Return to school at the end of the approved absence period
Application Form to Transfer University Transfer from SOKENDAI to another university
Application Form for Study Abroad Studying abroad
Application Form for Internal Transfer Transfer your program
Application Form to Withdraw / Application Form for Master's Degree Withdrawal from SOKENDAI
Contact Information and Career Follow-up for SOKENDAI Alumni (or after Withdrawal) Graduation or Withdrawal Educational Affairs Section e-mails to the relevant students a URL of the web site where they can access and respond.
Notification of Change of Address

Change of address, means or route of commutation

Notification of Change of Name  Change of last (first) name
Notification of Change of Emergency Contact  Change of emergency contact
Application Form for Reissuance of a Student ID Card  Loss of student ID card
Permission for Studying While in Employment Getting a job while still in university

Leave of Absence / Return to School

 (1) Leave of Absence

1. To be absent from school continuously for 2 months or more due to illness or for any other reasons, "Application Form for Leave of Absence" signed by a student’s supervisor should be submitted to the Program Office at least one month before the start of your leave of absence (two months before at the end of the academic year), in principle (a note from a medical doctor is also required if it is due to illness). Leave of absence requires Permission by Dean, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies.

2. Absence from school may not exceed 2 years in total.

3. The period of leave of absence is excluded from the period of attendance at school.

4. If leave of absence is approved before the tuition payment deadline (April for the first semester or October for the second semester), the tuition payment for the approved absence period will be waived. If leave of absence is approved after the tuition payment deadline, the tuition fee for the corresponding semester must be paid in full.

5. Prior to application for leave of absence, it is recommended to consult with the supervisor and the Program Office, or the Educational Affairs Section, Hayama to ensure that there are no conflicts with tuition payment, course registration before absence from school or after reenrollment and the period of attendance at school.

6. Japan Student Services Organization scholarship recipients must attach the Application (Notification) for Change of Registration Status.

 (2) Return to School

1. When the approved absence period expires, "Notification of Return from Leave of Absence" should be submitted to the Program Office.

2. If the reason for absence from school is resolved before the end of the approved absence, a student may reenroll without waiting for expiration of the approved absence period. For reenrollment, "Application Form to Return from Leave of Absence" signed by a student’s supervisor should be submitted one month in advance to the Program Office at least one month before the start of your reenrollment (two months before at the end of the academic year), in principle. Reenrollment requires permission by Dean, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies.

3. Japan Student Services Organization scholarship recipients must attach the Application (Notification) for Change of Registration Status.


1. To withdraw from the University, "Application Form to Withdraw" signed by a student’s supervisor should be submitted one month in advance to the Program Office at least one month before the withdraw (two months before at the end of the academic year), in principle. Withdrawal requires permission by the president of University.

2. If withdrawal is approved before the tuition payment deadline (April for the first semester or October for the second semester), the tuition payment after the withdrawal will be waived. If withdrawal is approved after the tuition payment deadline, the tuition fee for the corresponding semester must be paid in full.

3. Prior to application for withdrawal, it is recommended to consult with the supervisor and the Program Office, or the Educational Affairs Section, Hayama.

Study Abroad

1. To study abroad, "Application Form for Study Abroad" signed by the supervisor should be submitted to the Program Office at least one month before the start of your study abroad (two months before at the end of the academic year), in principle. Study abroad requires permission by Dean, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies.

2. Fundamentally, study abroad is limited to 1 year. The period may be extended up to one more year if the extension is necessary owing to unavoidable circumstance and is accepted by Dean, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies.

3. The tuition fee must be paid for the period of study abroad.

4. Prior to application for study abroad, it is recommended to consult with the supervisor and the Program Office, or the Educational Affairs Section, Hayama.

Internal Joint Advising Program

A student who wishes to receive joint research guidance from another program than own, please consult with your supervisor and the Program Office at each institute. 

*For expenses incurred when dispatched to another program through Internal Joint Advising Program, it is possible to apply for support through " SOKENDAI Student Dispatch Program. " Please check the requirements at the following page:

  SOKENDAI Student Dispatch Program 

*As a general rule, SOKENDAI Special Researcher must participate in one of the following programs: Internal Joint Advising Program, SOKENDAI Student Dispatch Program, or International Collaborative Degree Programs.

  SOKENDAI Special Researcher Program

Transfer to Another Program

Students who wish to transfer to another program must consult thoroughly with the supervisor and the Program Office they belong first, fill out "Application Form for Internal Transfer," obtain the approval signature from the supervisor, and submit it to the Program Office they belong.

When transferring the program, a screening process will be conducted to determine the ability of the applicants to complete the doctoral program in the new program. If you wish to transfer to another program, please confirm the Program Office you wish to enter about the selection criteria and other things.

Transfer to Another University

If a student wishes to transfer to another graduate school, "Application Form to Transfer University" signed by the supervisor should be submitted to the Program Office. Please consult with the supervisor and the Program Office at each institute prior to transfer to another university.

Removal from Registration

Students will be removed from the registration for the following causes:

・ The maximum period of enrollment is exceeded.

・ A student is not able to return to school after an absence period of 2 years.

・ A student fails to pay the admission fee by the specified date.

・ A student fails to pay the tuition fee and has not paid it even after being reminded to do so.

Tuition Fee

Tuition will be reduced if permission for leave of absence or withdrawal is granted before the month in which tuition is to be collected. Please follow the procedures as soon as possible to obtain permission before the start of the semester in which you wish to take leave of absence or withdraw from the university. 

*Tuition Collection month: April for the first semester, October for the second semester

Please note that if permission for leave of absence is granted after the collection month, the tuition fee will not be reduced for the semester in which the leave of absence is granted.

Change of Personal Information

(1) Change of Current Address

If you change your current address, commuting method, or route to school, please submit "Notification of Change of Address" to the Program Office as soon as possible.

(2) Change of Name               

If you change your name due to marriage, etc., please submit "Notification of Change of Name" to the Program Office as soon as possible. Recipients of JASSO scholarships are required to submit the "Notification of Change of Name" to the bank and complete the procedures for changing the name of the account holder of the scholarship. If you wish to use your maiden name, or if you wish to use both your maiden name and your new name, please be sure to indicate so on "Notification of Change of Name."

(3) Change of emergency contact information

If you wish to change your emergency contact information, please submit "Notification of Change of Emergency Contact" to the Program Office at your home institution.

Student ID Card

(1) Student ID Card

A student ID card is distributed to all students upon enrollment. This ID card proves your status as a student of the university, so please be careful not to deface or lose it, and carry it with you at all times.

*The student ID card is valid for 3 years (5 years for students taking 5-year course).

*When a student loses his / her student status due to completion of a course, withdrawal from the university, removal from registration from the university, etc., he / she must immediately return his / her student ID card.

(2) Reissuance of Student ID Card

 Please submit "Application Form for Reissuance of Student ID Card" to the Student Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division (Hayama) for reissuance of your student ID card and return the old card.

 If your student ID card is lost, stolen, or damaged, please submit "Application Form for Reissuance of Student ID Card" to the Student Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division (Hayama) as soon as possible.




For inquiries, please contact

Educational Affairs Section, Academic and Student Affairs Division,

The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI

TEL: +81-46-858-1523/1524 FAX: +81-46-858-1632
E-mail: kyomu(at)

Please change (at) to @ and send.

For Student ID Card

Student Affairs Section, Academic and Student Affairs Division,

The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI

TEL: +81-46-858-1525/1526 FAX: +81-46-858-1632
E-mail: gakusei(at)

Please change (at) to @ and send.