SOKENDAI Special Researcher

1. Overview

The SOKENDAI Special Researcher Program is designed to develop future leaders who will contribute to science, technology and innovation in Japan by appointing SOKENDAI students as ‘SOKENDAI Special Researchers’ and providing financial support as well as various opportunities for developing a wider scope of researches and carrier paths to them.

There are two categories of this program as follows.
Category Outline
General Category Students in all research areas enrolled in the equivalent of 3-year doctoral course at SOKENDAI, who satisfy conditions listed in section 3, are eligible to apply.
Special Category (BOOST) This category is designed to develop leading scientists in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Conditions listed in section 2 must be satisfied.

[Special Category (BOOST) ] is subsidized by Japan Science and Technology Agency under “BOOST: Broadening Opportunities for Outstanding young researchers and doctoral students in STrategic areas.”

※“Field-specific Type” and “Pioneering Research type” that existed until FY2023, have been abolished and integrated into the "General Category".

2. Requirements for applicants


[Requirements for General Category]

Basically, students who will be entering the 3-year doctoral course or will advance to the 3rd year of the 5-year doctoral course on the starting date of appointment are eligible to apply.
However, only for the April 2024 application, students who entered 3-year doctoral course or advanced to the 3rd year of the 5-year doctoral course in October 2023 may also apply.

Details are as follows.

Applicants are required to meet all of the following conditions at the start of appointment (An estimation can be made at the time of application).

1)They should have been enrolled for 24 to 30 months (exclusive 30 months) in a 5-year doctoral course or have been enrolled for less than 6 months in a 3-year doctoral course. *1

However, the following conditions will apply only for application for April 2024.

1)They should have been enrolled for 24 to 36 months (exclusive 36 months) in a 5-year doctoral course or have been enrolled for less than 12 months in a 3-year doctoral course. 

2) They should have not received a scholarship under the government-sponsored international student system, or any foreign government-financed scholarship.

3)They should not receive stable income such as salary or executive remuneration at a level sufficient to cover living expenses (JPY 2.4 million/year (before tax) or more) from SOKENDAI, a parent institute*2, or a company. *3

4) They must have an ORCID ID*4 and have completed the linkage with SOKENDAI.



[Requirements for Special Category (BOOST)]

Applicants are required to meet all of the following conditions at the start of appointment (An estimation can be made at the time of application).

1)They should have been enrolled for 24 to 36 months (exclusive 36 months) in a 5-year doctoral course or have been enrolled for less than 12 months in a 3-year doctoral course. *1

2)They should have not received a scholarship under the government-sponsored international student system, or any foreign government-financed scholarship.

3)They should not receive stable income such as salary or executive remuneration at a level sufficient to cover living expenses (JPY 2.4 million/year (before tax) or more) from SOKENDAI, a parent institute*2, or a company. *3

4)They must have an ORCID ID*4 and have completed the linkage with SOKENDAI.

5)They must be planning to conduct research in the field of AI or the emerging/integrated fields with AI.*5

*1: The period of a leave of absence (calculated by rounding up to the nearest month) is not counted within the enrollment period.

*1: Students in the long-term course system are not eligible to apply.

*2: Parent institute: The Inter-University Research Institute, where the program of SOKENDAI is located.

*3: Those who are currently employed as JSPS DC Research Fellowships (DC1) are also eligible to apply but must withdraw from the DC1 program if they are selected for SOKENDAI Special Researcher.
Those who plan to apply for DC2 (FY2025) are also eligible to apply. However, if selected for DC2, financial support under the SOKENDAI Special Researcher Program will end at the end of FY2024.

*4 If you have not yet registered an ORCID ID, please contact orcid(at) (Please replace (at) with @.) and we will guide you on how to register.

*5“Research in the field of AI or the emerging/integrated fields with AI” refers to a variety of AI-related R & D that contributes to the creation of innovation and enhancement of industrial competitiveness, including the followings:

  • Advanced research and development in AI
  • Application of AI to other fields
  • Fusion research between other fields (biotechnology, materials, socioeconomics, medicine, etc.) and AI
  • Research and development that contributes to solving social problems using AI

3. Period of appointment

The period obtained by subtracting the period of enrollment up to the day before the start of appointment from the standard period of study stipulated in Article 16 of the School Regulations.

Note: If you complete the doctoral course and obtain a doctoral degree during the period, the appointment will be terminated at the end of month in which you obtain the degree.

4. Scholarship

1) Fellowship (for living expenses)

General Category JPY 190,000 per month
Special Category (BOOST) JPY 300,000 per month

2) Research grant (for research expenses)

General Category Not provided
Special Category (BOOST) JPY 300,000 per year

*Please note that the above scholarship amounts are subject to change depending on the budget situation.

5. For more information, please refer to the below contents.

Call for Apprication(April 2024)[Application closed]

6. Contact

Promotion Office for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation

Email: jisedai-jimu(at)  *Please replace (at) with @.